Year 6 & Year 2 Shared Poetry Time
Across school, for National Poetry Week, the classes buddied up to share some time together to read poetry! Year 6 were lucky enough to have Year 2 as their buddies, and thoroughly enjoyed reading poems to the younger children and listening to them read also!
In PE on Mondays, we have been working on our OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) skills! Following on from what we learned whilst in Lockerbie, we spent the session building trust and communication skills in small groups, as 1/3 were not allowed to see or speak, 1/3 were not allowed to see but…

House Captains visit the Olive Branch
The newly appointed House Captains took our collection of food from the Harvest Festival to the Olive Branch food bank today. They found out about the work of the charity then stayed a while to help sort some of the many donations they had received today. It was amazing to think that every tin or…
NISCU Visits Year 6!
Year 6 had an excellent afternoon when Diana from NISCU visited us for our RE lesson! During the lesson, she told us all about the many adventures of Paul and how God guided him through his journey of life. Take a look at our photo slideshow to see us in action, acting out the story of Paul to…

Playleaders in action
Year 6 have begun putting their playleader training into action this week, as they support the KS1 children during lunchtime play. They are leading games in the playleaders zone on the bottom playground.

Last day at Lockerbie
Today we said goodbye to Lockerbie Manor and set off home after lunch. Before that though, we still had activities to enjoy, which included abseiling, target shooting, survival skills, archery and tackling the low-ropes course.

Thursday at Lockerbie Manor!
Our penultimate day at Lockerbie has been jam-packed with tough targets, tricky team-building tasks and towering heights! We’ve have great fun when facing our fears at the Manor's enormous climbing wall, straining to reach the next level on Jacob's Tower, and when learning how to take time and…

Wednesday at Lockerbie
The sun has been shining all day today. Some of us enjoyed time on the lake again, this time building and testing rafts. We have also been mountain bike riding and had a fencing lesson. This afternoon some groups tackled the obstacle course, whilst others had to use their teamwork skills in a…

Day 2 at Lockerbie Manor
We woke up to rain this morning, but we enjoyed a hearty breakfast before venturing out to go orienteering and learn survival skills. Thankfully it stopped raining in the afternoon. We had a great time on the lake canoeing and kayaking. We finished the day with abseiling or tackling the high ropes…

Year 6 arrive at Lockerbie Manor
Year 6 arrived at Lockerbie Manor this afternoon to begin their week of outdoor and adventurous activities. After settling into their dorms, they split into groups to enjoy various activities including the obstacle course, blind trail, zip wire and low ropes course. They also enjoyed their first…
Sports Day with Year 6
We had a gloriously sunny day today for our Year 5 and 6 Sports Day at the field. We held a variety of races: sprints, hurdles, egg and spoon and, of course, the infamous long-distance! There was a fantastic atmosphere of excitement and competitiveness but we were most impressed by the way that…
Creating Vomit in Science (Trigger warning!)
Today we learnt all about the digestive system and in particular the stomach. We learnt that sometimes the stomach needs to get rid of food that could be harmful to the body. Trigger warning! Do not watch the video if you are squeamish!