Egg rolling
We had great fun this morning showing each other our decorated eggs and then rolling them down the ramps. Your lovely kind children shared their eggs so that everyone had an egg to roll.
Imagine That
We had a great time yesterday on our visit it Imagine That. Please scroll through the photos to get a flavour of the fun we had - adult volunteers included!
We're practising hard for the music festival.
We've had a visit from Mrs Pilkington,the lady who organises the music festival, so we know all the moves and actions to the songs now. Remember to return your form promptly especially if you want extra tickets! It's a great experience for the children and an enjoyable evening out.
Our visit to St Paul's Church with Mrs Ventress
During RE on Thursday the class visited St Paul's Church with Mrs Ventress to learn more about the areas and objects within the building and their significance.
Police visit
We we had a fun and informative visit from two very patient police officers today. The children had a great time and learnt lots about the role of the police.
Firemen's visit
A big thank you to the firemen for their exciting and informative visit this afternoon. We learnt lots of interesting facts about their dangerous job.