We're all connected... iNetwork!
In Year 6, we have started our new Computing unit: iNetwork! In the first session, we learned how the term 'networked' means connected and thought of examples of networks from everyday life. We thought of electricity networks, the London Underground tube station, and devices connected to servers…
Step Up (& Back in Time)!
This morning, Year 6 had an absolute blast (to the past!) during their 'Turns & Tunes' session with Mikey and Jenny!
We learned a traditional country dance and a range of step dances which are all part of our Lancashire heritage. We enjoyed listened to Mikey play the fiddle and watching Jenny…
Year 6 are so lucky to be working with our fabulous visitor to Scotforth, Naomi, every Thursday for the term! Naomi is an experienced Secondary School Art Teacher and was generous enough to offer to come into school to work with the children whilst they are doing their new art unit:…
Tinfoil, Towers and Teamwork!
In Bounce Forward today, Year 6 learned all about how to work well as part of a team in order to solve problems. We considered what was important for when working alongside other people and realised that collaboration, compromise and a positive growth mindset were all vital in order for the team…
Remembrance Pointillism (Part 1)
After learning about Georges Seurat and his unique style of painting (Pointillism), we designed and starting painting our own pictures using techniques inspired by Seurat.
We decided that optical mixing was more effective on larger canvases with smaller dots of paint, as Seurat did, however, as…
Optical Mixing
Year 6 have been learning about the French, 19th Century artist, Georges Seurat and his neo-impressionist movement: Pointillism
When we found out how Seurat used tiny individual dots of paint to create his stunning paintings, we were impressed, yet when we learned how he only used the three…
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!
Year 6 have created some pretty cool 'positivity glasses' during Bounce Forward this week! They help us to remember to be optimistic and hopeful, and encourage us to find the good in a situation rather than only focusing on the negatives.
Based on our photos, I think they're working…
People of Scotforth, we need YOU!
In Y6 this week, we have become increasingly passionate about our Autumn term History topic: World War 1! After reading more of our class book in English (Stay Where You Are and Then Leave), we have become invested in the lives of Alfie Somerfield and his family, which as a result has developed…

Raising Resilience!
This term we are ever so lucky to be involved in the Bounce Forward programme run by ‘Lancashire Mind’. Once a week, our fabulous teacher, Sharon, comes in to work with Year 6 to help us with all things ‘resilient’! We learn how to better understand and manage our emotions, set targets and goals…
Creative Coding!
Year 6 have been very busy with our iCompute work this term... We have been creating our own 'pong' style games using Scratch by writing, testing and debugging our coding. We've learned to analyse pre-exisiting code from other games so that we understand what each element of the code does within…
Year 5 & 6: Intra-Sports!!
Intra-sports across year groups is finally back, and boy, did we come back with a bang!
With Mrs Redmayne as official umpire, and Miss Parlane manning the V.A.R. cameras, Year 5 & 6 threw themselves (at times, quite literally) into the thick of 3 matches against the opposing school houses- Lune…
Bringing Stories to Life!
In Reading, Year 6 are working with the book, 'Stay Where You Are and Then Leave' by John Boyne. For the first chapter, we decided to bring the story to life by acting out the scene where Dad, George, returns to the house wearing his new Army Uniform. In this scene, his family realise that George…