Clay Flowers
We have enjoyed making some clay flowers. We cannot wait to paint them. We also discussed the parts of the plants when we were designing them with playdough.
Sharing our Stone Age stories with Year 1
In Year 3 we have been writing our own stories based on the class reader, Stone Age Boy. After showing them our Stone Age dance, we read our stories to the Year One children. They seemed to really enjoy them!
Year 3 Stone Age Dance
We have been developing a dance based on our topic of the Stone Age. Today we showed it to Mrs Boyle and the Y1 class. They really enjoyed it and we hope you will too.

We had a visit from the vets.
We learnt all about how vets help animals and what we can do to help look after animals. We also got to meet Shelly.

Y1 Crown Green Bowling
Today, we enjoyed playing Crown Green Bowling at school. We could show off our rolling skills!

How do string telephones work?
Today in Year 5 we have been finding out how a string telephone works. We tried different lengths of string and tried leaving the string loose and pulling it taut.
Outside we tried 4 and 6 way conversations with our friends.

Year 2 Tabernacle
Today we looked at the story of Moses and the Tabernacle. We wrote some prayers and sat quietly sat in our own Tabernacle.

Y1 and Y3
We were invited to watch Y3s wonderful dance and to read their amazing stories. Thank you Year 3!
Making our Moving Toys
After learning about and investigating the power of air (pneumatics!), this week we finally planned and made our moving toys. We investigated different ways to use balloons, pipes and syringes to create movement and then came the challenging, fun and messy(!) part…we got to transform cardboard…

Y1 Pedal and Scoot
We had an amazing day with Kathy learning to ride a bike. Thank you for the amazing parental support !

Pedal and Scoot.
We had so much fun today with Pedal and Scoot. We learnt how to check if our bikes are safe and learnt lots of new skills.

Lancaster Fire and Rescue service
This morning, Lancaster Fire and Rescue Service came to visit us. We learned about what they do and ways to be safe at home.