Exploring our Sense of Taste
We have enjoyed exploring the sense of taste this week. We had to guess the range of fruit and vegetables and whether we liked it or not. It was lovely to see the children trying different foods and some children found out they actually liked it !

Giuseppe Arcimboldo
We have been discussing the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We have been looking at his work and recreating it. Then we had fun making our own !

Jonny from NISCU visits us (and not a onesie in sight!)
Today Jonny (having lead a great lunchtime club for Year 5 and 6!) joined us so we could ask him some questions about the Bible. We asked lots of interesting questions such as “How often do you read the Bible?”, “How long has it been so important to you?”, “Are there any bits you don’t like?”, “Do…

Argentinian Plums & Spanish Oranges!
We have worked so hard learning all about Harvest and the Jewish festival of Sukkot this half term. We ended our final lesson with group discussions to consolidate our learning and talk about what we now know.
During continuous provision, the children enjoyed tasting plums from Argentina and…

Sandwich making
Today, we started making our sandwiches. We have tried to create a balanced, healthy sandwich and we have tried to make them look fun and interesting for younger children.

Our sense of smell
Today we used our sense of smell . We decided if we liked the smell or not and had a go at guessing what might be making the smell. We use our senses to explore and make sense of the world around us.

Fieldwork… Out & About in Our Local Area!
Today, Year 2 went on a visit around our local area, to consolidate our term’s learning where we have focused upon the area in which we go to school!
Over the weeks, we have looked at aerial photographs and maps of Lancaster and, after zooming in further, Scotforth! We learned about human and…

Painting Self-portraits
We have been using paint to make our self portrait. We have been discussing the different hair colour, eye colour and skin colour that people have and that we are all unique. We mixed the paint to achieve the right colours.

Forces? Year 6 ‘PULLEY’ understand!
This term we’ve been learning about forces- air resistance couldn’t hold us back; we wouldn’t let gravity pull us down; things heated up when we learned about friction; and we were swept away by water resistance! Therefore, we couldn’t wait to see how our forces learning would pull us in and push…

Year 5 Poppy Art
Take a look at our beautiful poppies. We created them using watercolours, collage, paint and pattern. The poppies will be displayed in Marketgate Shopping in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes open and see if you can spot our art around town.

Having fun learning about non-Newtonian fluids
Today, we have been making ‘gloop’, which is also sometimes called Oobleck. We mixed water and cornflour together to create a mixture that is a non-Newtonian fluid. The cornflour doesn’t dissolve in the cold water so when stress is put on the mixture such as squeezing or hitting it, it acts like a…

Worship Team delivering the Harvest donations
The Worship Team helped deliver the donations from our Harvest Festival today with Dr Long. They took some food to Father’s House, Skerton and found out about how the church help those in need. They then went to drop donations at The Olive Branch and found out how food parcels are made up and…