Lego Club
Tuesday afternoon is Lego Club for Year 1 and Year 2. Take a look at their amazing creations.
Open Doors
We played a game created by the Charity Open Doors. They help Christians round the world who have suffered persecution. We discovered that for many people choosing to journey through life as a Christian is an extremely difficult option. We also found out that Christians around the world have so…

Big Bible Lesson
Today Debbie from NISCU came in carrying a rather large item - her big (massive!) Bible. We learnt that the Bible says it is like a mirror, a map, and even a time machine! We also heard that is full of exciting stories, poems and even letters. We played a Bible version of Guess Who and we’re…

We are all different!
Look at our elephant pictures. No two are alike,just like no two children in nursery are exactly the same. We heard that God makes us all unique.

Performing our own nursery rhymes
We performed our own version of a nursery ryhme. We enjoyed listening to the different rhyming words.

Which solids behave like liquids?
In Science, we have been investigating solids, liquids and gases. We have looked closely at all three states of matter and discussed the properties of each. Today, we used Easi-Scopes to identify different solids that behave like liquids such as sugar, coffee, salt and sand. We could clearly see…
Sense of hearing-listening walk
We looked at using the sense of hearing to listen to sounds all around us.

Y1 Outdoor Learning
We enjoyed going to Dorrington Woods and using our senses to look at different habitats. We even made some of our own minibeast habitats !

Year 6's Outdoor Learning with the Wildlife Trust
Year 6 had a lovely time in the woods this afternoon, working with Kate from the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire. She showed us how to use field guides to identify plants and trees in the woods. We learnt to identify a variety of trees including sycamores, oaks, rowans, and beech, as well as ivy…

Making healthy fruit kebabs
What a lot of fruit we had to share this afternoon! We made lovely healthy kebabs. The challenge was to try to make a repeating pattern with our favourite fruits.

Outdoor Learning
We also practised our throwing and catching skills whilst counting in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 3’s.