Investigating our sense of touch
We continued exploring our senses by looking at the sense of touch. We described how things felt in the feely bag and we tried to guess what they were.

Retelling the story
We enjoyed using expression to retell the story. We tried to change our voices to re-enact the the characters’ feelings.

Investigating ordnance survey maps (and towels!) in Y4
Today we looked at Ordnance Survey maps. Mrs Redmayne showed us her towel which had a picture of part of a Lake District Ordnance Survey map. We found Scafell Pike, the tallest mountain in England, on it. We also used it to find grid references for different places. We then found symbols of…
Eco group help the community clean-up
Our newly formed Eco group for the year went out this afternoon with Mrs Ventress to help our local councillor Abi Mills and a group of volunteers. There task was to clear some of the litter and leaves which have been collecting on the streets around school.
Thank You for the Harvest!
Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about Harvests from around the world, trying different foods that have been grown and harvested from many countries and continents.
We have also looked into how the Harvest is celebrated within another religion: Judaism! We learned the story of the…

Air resistance and gravity aren’t as tough as they think they are… we’ll let them down slowly!
Year 6 learned lots about air resistance and gravity today, as they investigated how the size of a parachute affects the speed in which a basket descends from a height!
We dropped each basket (one without a parachute, one with a small parachute, and one with a large parachute) from the same…

Reading detectives
We have been getting ready to write our information text about the Loch Ness Monster by looking at a variety of non-fiction texts. We have been detectives finding key features within them such as headings, subheadings, questions, photos, pictures and captions.

Singing in Year 4
We look forward to Mr Gilliatt coming into school each Friday to teach us some new songs. The actions for each song are keeping us fit and are really good fun too.
Today is National Poetry Day. Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll this week. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent time working out what word classes they were as well as imagining what they could mean. Today we went to the woods to act out verses…

Do solids change state when they are heated?
Today, we have been investigating what happens to different solids when they are heated up. We used bread, ice, butter, wax, chocolate, jelly and an egg. We observed the process of each material changing state. We also discussed whether the process was reversible or not.

Jane and Marcus lead worship
This afternoon, Jane and Marcus from New Life Church in Lancaster came to lead our Key Stage 2 worship. They helped us to think more about our Christian value of justice. One of the challenges was to see who could scoop up some sweets onto a plate the quickest. The only problem was, each person…
Lego Club
Tuesday afternoon is Lego Club for Year 1 and Year 2. Take a look at their amazing creations.