Partitioning in different ways
Today we used the Base 10 to investigate partitioning numbers in different ways.

Exploring nature in the woods.
We had a great time exploring in Dorrington Wood today. We used our senses to listen, look, feel and smell. We also collected leaves, seeds and something that felt rough.

Year 5 Science Outdoor Learning
Today we went into Dorrington Woods to use natural materials to create a floating raft that would carry pennies without sinking.
We talked about what might float or sink and why first. Then working in small groups we collected natural materials and built a raft. The only thing Kate gave us was…

Year 4 Outdoor Learning
Year 4 went to Dorrington Road woods today to complete some outdoor learning. We had a really interesting Art lesson about Cubism. We looked at some cubist pictures by famous artists then we created our own masterpieces. We had to draw a leaf using pastels and then colour it in a Cubist…

Stone Age outdoor learning
Today was our schools outdoor learning day. We told stories in the same way as Stone Age people might have done using pictures on stones. We then got to make our own.

Year 4 English - The Loch Ness Monster
Year 4 have been writing questions. These are all the things they would like to find out about the Loch Ness Monster. During our English lessons, we will be reading lots of texts to find the answers. Next, we will use all the facts to create our own posters.

Investigating Bibles!
Today we looked at lots of different versions of Bibles. We were amazed at the different names they were given like The Adventure Bible and The Message. They also had very different covers. Lots of us liked the colourful ones and they reminded us of the bright colours in creation. Some of the…

Autumn Walk Y1
We enjoyed looking for signs of autumn in our school garden this week. We found lots of items for our ‘Investigation Area’. We looked at the objects closely and drew the detail closely.
We looked at the school horse-chestnut tree to see what changes we could see. We will look at it throughout…
Bread testing
This afternoon, we were testing different bread options for sandwiches. White bread was the resounding favourite!

Look who we met!
Today we met Harold the giraffe. He told us that food would give us energy. He talked about how important sleep was to help our bodies grow and repair themselves.

Natural Portraits
We have been looking at portraits drawn by various famous artists. We have enjoyed making our own portraits using natural materials too.

Meeting Harold the Giraffe again!
Today we had a visit from a very special visitor, it was Harold the Giraffe from the Life Education Van. We learnt all about the different systems in our body as well as how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. We visited a planet called Conformatron where everybody who lives there looks the same…