15 Sep


Here we are grouping objects into sets to make counting them easier.  We grouped them into 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and some of us even tried 3’s.

15 Sep


Today we learnt it’s much quicker to count larger sets of objects in groups rather than one at a time.

15 Sep

Getting to know our Reception buddies

Today we helped our Reception buddies to ice and decorate a biscuit. After we had finished our decorating we were allowed to eat our creative masterpieces in the playground. 
It has been lovely to get to know our new friends and we are looking forward to meeting up again very soon.

14 Sep

Wednesday at Lockerbie

Another beautiful sunny day, and another day jam-packed with fun activities. Many activities today have involved perseverance and overcoming personal challenges, such as mountain biking, high ropes and zip wire. We’ve also enjoyed some great team activities including crate stacking and low ropes…

14 Sep

Caring for Me

We had a lovely morning with our friends from Nursery. We learned how to be safe in PE, how to brush our teeth correctly and used the special Glitterbug to check we were washing our hands effectively.

14 Sep


Do you know what number this is?

14 Sep

Looking after myself

This morning we met the reception children and found out how to look after our teeth. We found out how to brush all the different surfaces and got to take a new toothbrush home.

14 Sep

Lockerbie update

There were a few tired children this morning over breakfast after a busy day yesterday, but they soon livened up once they got started on more activities. Miss Huddleston told me that the children are all behaving brilliantly and supporting each other to overcome their own personal challenges. It…

14 Sep

Year 2 investigate their senses

Today in Year 2 we have been using our senses and talking about the body parts linked to each sense. We tasted different foods, tried to guess what was in each smell pot, listened to some sounds and tried to identify them and built Lego towers while blindfolded. 

13 Sep

Tuesday at Lockerbie

Tuesday has been an amazing day for us all at Lockerbie, in more ways than one. The weather has been stunning -warm sunshine and blue skies all day (so good in fact that the kitchen staff decided to arrange a barbecue for our evening meal), the activities have been great and children have had such…

13 Sep

A message from Miss Huddleston from Lockerbie

Everyone slept well and had a good breakfast. The sun is shining for the first activities of the day.

Miss Huddleston will be busy during the day supervising the activities and joining in. She will mainly blog in the evening once the children are settled in bed, so watch out for lots of…

12 Sep

Our first day at Lockerbie

Year 6 have made a great start to their week at Lockerbie Manor. We arrived at 2.30pm and have had an action-packed afternoon and evening of archery, climbing, abseiling, blind trail and negotiating a very muddy obstacle course. We have lots more to look forward to in the days to come!