They have arrived!! The Year 6s are all ready for a week of teamwork, excitement, adventurous activities and lots of sleep (so Miss Huddleston hopes!!). More photos to come throughout the week.

Learning to Learn
In class we have talked a lot this week about why we come to school. We agreed on three main reasons. These are to have fun, to learn and to make friends. Here we are combining all three, coaching our friends to get the beanbag into a hoop behind us without looking. Some of us gave brilliant…

Settling into Y1
What a brilliant couple of days we have had settling into Y1. Here are just a few photos to show what we have been up to.

Our first PE lesson
In PE we will be learning lots of playground games from the past. Here we are playing ‘stuck in the mud’. We ran and dodged so quickly, Mrs Cross struggled to get a good picture of us!! She’ll keep trying so watch this space for better shots in the coming…

Two days of dancing!
On Tuesday we had a fantastic session with the Rock Kidz group. We danced along to songs about how good it is to be us. On Wednesday Nicola led our first Diddi dance session. We love moving to music.

Marvellous Microorganisms!
Today in Science, we kicked off the year with a short unit (some might say ‘micro-unit’) where we learn all about those tiny living organisms that can be found absolutely anywhere and everywhere- microorganisms!
We started off the lesson by learning the different types, names, shapes and sizes…

Rock Kids 2022
Here we are enjoying ‘Rock Kids’ in the hall. We learnt all about believing in ourselves! Our favourite new phrase is YASBA. This stands for “You’re Awesome So Be Awesome”!!!
Rock Kidz visit
What a day! The children have had an experience I'm not sure they will ever forget! Rock Kidz helped us think about how amazing we all are because we are all different. YASBA - You're Awesome So Be Awesome!

Past or Present?
Year 1 today started off their ‘Brilliant Bodies Brilliant Minds’ learning with a spot of History!
We talked about what History learning looks like and the difference between past and present. The children looked at different pictures and decided if they should be sorted into the past or…

Rock Kidz on Tour
Today we were visited by the brilliant Rock Kidz in tour.
We had a fantastic time and all enjoyed shouting, “YASBA” - You’re awesome so BE awesome! It was a great start to term - reminding us how wonderfully different and special each one of us is.

Starting the year with TEAMWORK!
It was great to see everyone back together in school today. We started the year thinking about the importance of working together as a team. We worked on lots of different outdoor challenges together and found out the importance of listening, communicating, being creative, making mistakes and…