Year 4 DT- purses
Year 4 have been busy sewing their purses. They had to design them, create a pattern, cut out the felt and work out how to fasten them together. Some children found the sewing really difficult but everyone persevered and all the children have a lovely finished product.

Year 4 DT
Year 4 have been making houses with security lights in DT. First we had to design and make a house out of a cardboard box. Next we had to have a doormat which had foil on the underside. We constructed an electrical circuit using a battery, a bulb in a holder and three wires. The end of the…

Macbeth performance
Year 6 have been learning the story of Macbeth, one of William Shakespeare’s plays. Today they did their first performance of their very own version. Shakespeare’s original play certainly didn’t include singing assassins and rappers!
The children did a brilliant job and are looking forward to a…

Year 4 French Day
Today, Year 4 had their French Day. The children dressed up as French characters or in the colours of the French flag, ate French food and completed a quiz. Outside in the playground we played boules and croquet, fortunately it wasn’t too sunny! In the afternoon we had an Eiffel Tower building…

NISCU Talk about Transition
Debbie and Jonny from NISCU came this afternoon to talk about moving on to high school.
We looked at the story of Joseph in the Old Testament and thought about the ups and downs in his life. Throughout his life he never gave up, even in the difficult times. He trusted God through it all.

Mathematical Sunbathing
Today was such a nice day, we decided to have a sunbathe...a maths sunbathe. We have learned about parallel and perpendicular lines this morning so we were using that knowledge whilst sunbathing!

Year 6's Lake District adventure
What a great day Year 6 had today! We have been learning about the Lake District in our geography lessons, as well as reading "Spylark" in class and they came together today as we enjoyed a walk up Todd Cragg (AKA Brockbarrow in Danny Rurlander's "Spylark"). The weather was glorious and the views…
Girls' Football
The girls attended their very first football tournament on Thursday afternoon. They did incredibly well and worked together as a team brilliantly. They showed endurance and enthusiasm and I was very proud of them all. Six teams took part and we came 4th - well done girls, I think we may have some…

Identifying living things using classification keys
Today, we have been identifying different living creatures. We have thought of lots of questions to separate each living thing and used them in our own classification key.

Finding out about prayer
Today we had a look in the prayer “chatterbox.” The children know that I invite them to talk to God when we are praying. Inside the box were prayer books, a candle and prayer beads. The children handled each object carefully.

Y6 visit to County Hall
Year 6 had a long but interesting day today on their visit to County Hall. We began bright and early by walking down to the station and catching the train to Preston. As part of this term’s Citizenship activities, we spent the morning with Mr. Mynott, who took us into Lancashire County Council’s…

A special visit
In the White Rose Maths Scheme there is a tortoise called Tiny who unfortunately, often gets things wrong. Today Year 4 had a visit from a tortoise called Tortelli. Hopefully he’s much better at maths!