First Day in Reception
We had a great day settling into Reception playing with some old friends and making new ones.

Goodbye Year 6!
Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class. Yesterday they enjoyed sharing their memories and achievements during our Leavers’ Service in St. Paul’s church. Several children also received awards (see this week’s newsletter for details). It was lovely to welcome back last year’s recipients…

Goodbye Year 6!
Today we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class. Yesterday they enjoyed sharing their memories and achievements during our Leavers’ Service in St. Paul’s church. Several children also received awards (see this week’s newsletter for details). It was lovely to welcome back last year’s recipients…
Y1 Happy Mount Park Trip
We had a wonderful trip concluding our topic, 'The Great Outdoors' and what a super day!
We looked at the physical and human features of Morecambe Bay. Then we continued our seaside theme by eating ice-creams! Next, we explored the playground and cooled off nicely in the splash…

Year 6’s Pizza Surprise!
Year 6 had a surprise this afternoon when a special delivery arrived for them. Thank you very much to Scot4All who kindly provided pizza for us. As you can see, we certainly enjoyed this unexpected treat.

Heart Start first aid session
Today, we finished off our first aid training, based on the Heart Start programme. Last week we learnt what to do if we find someone who needs urgent help, how to check if they are responsive and breathing, along with how to put an unconscious but breathing casualty into the recovery position.…

Water Work in the Sun
We took advantage of the VERY hot weather today and decided to work with water! We weren’t just playing though - we were estimating and measuring the capacity of different containers. We even converted between litres and pints. Water work was definitely a hit!

Egyptian Day
Today, we had an Ancient Egyptian Day in Year 3. There were gods, goddesses and pharaohs in the classroom! We learned about hieroglyphics and write messages and made a clay tile with our name on it (written in hieroglyphics of course!). We did some Egyptian maths too! We had a mummy making contest…
Forest Schools
This morning, the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children went to the school field and Dorrington Woods. In their house teams they completed four different activities (3 completely in the shade - thank goodness) including a Forest School activity with Mrs Walsh. They collected lots of natural items…

Y6 learn about the law
Today one of our governors, Mr Carson-Brown, came to visit us to talk about his job as a police officer, as another element of our work on Citizenship. We discussed why we need laws and he explained how laws are made. We thought about problems such as anti-social behaviour and the importance of…

Williamson Park trip
Today, we walked to Williamson Park! It took about an hour but we had a great time when we got there. We went into the Butterfly House and explores the zoo afterwards. We had our lunch on the steps of Ashton Memorial and a play on the playgrounds. We then did some map reading and orienteering in…

Dorrington Rd Playpark
We went to our local play park to look at existing structures. We are going to design our own and make our own playgrounds.