Snozzcumber packaging
Today, Year 3 were designing packaging for the snozzcumber from BFG to make them more appealing.

The Great Scotforth Bread Bake Off
Today we finished off our bread by decorating it using icing, chocolate and sweets. Our bread had to look like our designs when it was finished. Mrs Walsh and Mrs Cocker were the judges. It was their job to choose winners for 3 categories.
Congratulations to our winners
Monty, Gigi, Izzy…

Year 4 DT
Year 4 have been making buildings with security lights. As part of our topic, Let’s Travel, we have thought about how we can keep our home safe when we go on a journey. The security lights are triggered when pressure is put on the doormat. The internal circuit is completed.
We had to design our…

Bread making using our own designs
Today we made our own bread using our designs. The basic recipe was the same but some of us chose whole meal or 50:50 rather than white bread. We chose whether to add extra ingredients to the mixture before leaving it to rise. The bread was then cooked.
Tomorrow we will be decorating our…

Year 4 DT morning
This morning Mrs Atkinson, our subject leader for DT, came to teach in Year 4. The children discussed British dishes and where the ingredients came from. Next, they practised spreading, chopping, grating and cutting skills whilst making a cheese sandwich. We then made Welsh rarebit using bread,…

Cheese Scones
Today we have made cheese scones in Year 5. The DT skills we were focusing on were mixing, rubbing in and grating. We compared the making process with our bread from last week and found the similarities and differences.

Y1 Making Bread like Little Red Hen
We have been reading the story of Little Red Hen in our English. We discussed where the ingredients come from and we had a go at making our own bread. We looked at the skills of sifting, mixing and kneading.

Making playdough
We made playdough in Maths today. We used cups and tablespoons to measure our ingredients. We sieved, mixed and rolled our ingredients together.

Bread making 1
Today we have been learning how to make white bread in class. We weighed out the correct ingredients, mixed them together and then kneaded our dough, before making a shape. The bread was left to prove and then cooked.
This lesson was a chance to learn the basics of bread making. Next lesson we…

Evaluating our shelters
Today we got the chance to evaluate the shelters we made last half term. Our design brief had been to construct a shelter to house a family of four playmobile people. It had to be waterproof, and built of a construction strong enough to withstand a 500g weight being dropped on its roof and a 30…

Shelter building commences
Today Year 6 got back to making their shelters after a week off for Enterprise Week. They worked incredibly hard to create their designs using some of the materials they tested previously and worked very well not only in their pairs but as a whole class, helping each other out when necessary and…