Y3/4 Intra sports
Today, we have taken part in our Y3/4 Intra sports. We played bench ball and had to work as a team to score points. We used tactics and spatial awareness to outwit our opponents.

Gymnastics in Y4
We have been learning counter balances in our PE lesson today. Coach Millie has been teaching us how to use a partner to create balances.

Invasion games in Y4
We have been practising dribbling a ball in PE today. We worked in teams to bounce on the spot and move with the ball. We will use these skills when we play some invasion games.

Today we met Chloe who will be our Diddidancevteacher until Christmas. Chloe is teaching us different dance moves alongside helping us to develop our concentration and listening skills.

Year 4 Orienteering
Today, Year 4 completed their first orienteering lesson. The children learnt how to hold the map correctly in line with the course and how to follow a short path between markers. Each marker had a score and these needed to be added together to get a total. The winning team who were both accurate…
Year 3 Wheelchair basketball
We have a great time trying wheelchair basketball today. It was pretty tricky but lots of fun!

Wheelchair Basketball
Thank you to Lancaster Bulldogs for coming in and telling us about wheelchair basketball. We really enjoyed it but realised how hard it really it is!

Wheelchair basketball
Today, Lancaster Bulldogs came into school to give us the opportunity to play wheelchair basketball. It was much harder than it looked but we persevered and we even scored lots of goals.

Y1 Pedal and Scoot
We had an amazing day with Kathy learning to ride a bike. Thank you for the amazing parental support !
Y4 Crown Green Bowling
It’s been a hot afternoon practising our crown green bowling skills today. Coach Dan taught us how to hold the bowl and how to use the weight to make our bowl travel in the right direction. We certainly improved as the afternoon went on.

Y3/4 Football
Well done to the Y3/4 football team who represented the school well in the local tournament.

Fun playing cricket
Today Coach Lauren came into school to teach us skills linked to cricket. We had lots of fun aiming at the wickets and practising bowling.