Young Leaders Y6 and Y1
We enjoyed having the Year 6 using their leadership skills this morning. They were showing us some of the playtime games that we could play at break time.
Invasion game skills
Today, we have been practising skills to play an invasion game. We have been throwing and catching balls using a chest pass and a bounce pass. We had to think of the position of our hands and feet to be able to throw and catch effectively.
Y1 Yogi
We had a lovely, relaxing and peaceful Yogi experience today. Just what we all needed coming to the end of term. Thank you
Y4 Cheerleading Taster Session
Today, we had a cheerleading taster session. We learnt some of the moves and even attempted some balances.
Cheerleading in Y1
Thank you to Bay Stormers who came in and gave us a taster session on cheerleading.
Reception and KS1 Sports Day
We all took part in our annual sports morning. The children were fantastic and competed brilliantly. We also saw some pre-schoolers racing and my all time favourite… the Mums/Dads and Grandparents race!
Well done to Castle Reds who won
Girls’ Football Tournament Winners!
Well done to the girls’ that represented Scotforth at the local Lancaster Girls’ Football Tournament. We got to the final and .... WON!!!
Crown Green Bowling
In P.E. we have been practising our rolling skills at Palatine Bowling Green. Coach Dan showed us the correct technique to use and also explained how the bowls have a weighted side to make the bowls turn. It was trickier than it looked to land on the target but we had a great time…
Anyone for Cricket?!
Today 10 of us from Year 5 took part in a school cricket tournament at Torrisholme Cricket Club. Although it was a very hot day everyone was full of energy and enthusiasm throughout. We had not played cricket together as a team before and so it was a brilliant opportunity to develop skills such…
Y1/2 Intra School Sports
Today we enjoyed competing in our team colours to win the Intra Sport's trophy.