Y1/2 Intra School Sports
Today we enjoyed competing in our team colours to win the Intra Sport's trophy.

Perfecting our Crown Green Bowling skills
We have had another brilliant afternoon learning how to bowl with Coach Dan. Our skills and aim have certainly got much better.

Y5 and 6 Intrasports
Year 6, along with Year 5, enjoyed an afternoon of Intrasports today, as we come to the end of half term. Activities were planned for us by our very enthusiastic team of Sports Captains and included skills we have been practising recently in our PE lessons. Teams took part in netball-type games as…

More P.E. fun in the sun today
Another great activity to practise our overarm throwing and running skills.

Here we are practising our throwing and running skills. The challenge was to investigate which was fastest, running across the playground and back or getting all three bean bags into a hoop.

Indoor Athletics League Champions 2023
Scotforth St Paul’s are Indoor Athletics League Champions! What a fantastic season! What a fantastic team! I am so proud to see the resilience, the team work and the commitment all season.
Thank you to Lancaster and Morecambe College for being wonderful hosts. Thank you to our amazing parents…

Cross-curricular orienteering
Year 6 combined SPAG revision with orienteering skills today as they worked on our recently installed new orienteering course. They had to use a map to find their way to specific control points before answering SPAG question at each one. what a fun and healthy way to revise for SATs!

Crown Green Bowling with Y4
Coach Dan taught us some skills for crown green bowling this afternoon. We were given a bowl and tried to aim at a target. By the end of the afternoon, we had certainly improved our aim and some of us even managed to get our bowl on the centre circle.

Cricket Day
We enjoyed our Cricket Taster Day with Lauren today. We learnt to hit the ball into a space and to throw the ball underarm.

Everyone inYear 6 has had the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training this week, making sure we have the knowledge and experience to ride our bikes on the road safely for ourselves and other road users. This involved two full days of practice with instructors from Go Velo. We began on the…

Year 1 Gymnastics Apparatus
We enjoyed practising our gymnastic sequences on the apparatus this week.

Indoor Athletics County Finals
We were extremely proud of all the children who represented the Lancaster region at the Regional County Finals today. They all did brilliantly showing resilience and amazing teamwork and support. We came 9th in the competition, which is amazing! Well done to all.