Outdoor Learning
We also practised our throwing and catching skills whilst counting in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 3’s.

Life Education-Our Wonderful Bodies
We loved meeting Harold the giraffe today! He was telling us all about our wonderful bodies and how to keep healthy.

Last day at Lockerbie
Sadly, our week at Lockerbie has come to an end. We enjoyed two final activities this morning, before having lunch then returning to school. And what activities they were: high ropes, climbing, abseiling, survival and initiative exercises.
Throughout the week the children have really…

Thursday at Lockerbie
We have enjoyed a fourth day of sunshine today, along with a visit from Mrs Walsh. All groups had a raft-building session on the lake, alongside zip wire, abseiling, climbing and survival skills, where we built shelters and fires. In the evening we all went for a walk up through the woods and up…

Wednesday at Lockerbie
Another beautiful sunny day, and another day jam-packed with fun activities. Many activities today have involved perseverance and overcoming personal challenges, such as mountain biking, high ropes and zip wire. We’ve also enjoyed some great team activities including crate stacking and low ropes…

Caring for Me
We had a lovely morning with our friends from Nursery. We learned how to be safe in PE, how to brush our teeth correctly and used the special Glitterbug to check we were washing our hands effectively.

Tuesday at Lockerbie
Tuesday has been an amazing day for us all at Lockerbie, in more ways than one. The weather has been stunning -warm sunshine and blue skies all day (so good in fact that the kitchen staff decided to arrange a barbecue for our evening meal), the activities have been great and children have had such…

Our first day at Lockerbie
Year 6 have made a great start to their week at Lockerbie Manor. We arrived at 2.30pm and have had an action-packed afternoon and evening of archery, climbing, abseiling, blind trail and negotiating a very muddy obstacle course. We have lots more to look forward to in the days to come!

Our first PE lesson
In PE we will be learning lots of playground games from the past. Here we are playing ‘stuck in the mud’. We ran and dodged so quickly, Mrs Cross struggled to get a good picture of us!! She’ll keep trying so watch this space for better shots in the coming…
Rock Kidz visit
What a day! The children have had an experience I'm not sure they will ever forget! Rock Kidz helped us think about how amazing we all are because we are all different. YASBA - You're Awesome So Be Awesome!
Girls' Football
The girls attended their very first football tournament on Thursday afternoon. They did incredibly well and worked together as a team brilliantly. They showed endurance and enthusiasm and I was very proud of them all. Six teams took part and we came 4th - well done girls, I think we may have some…
Key Stage Two Sports Day
We had lots of fun at the Key Stage Two Sports Day. Have a look at all our action shots!