Indoor Athletics Team
Well done to the indoor athletics team who competed on Friday night. We came second !! They all represented the school brilliantly and supported each other.

Active Mile
Well done to all our classes who completed their active miles this week and to everyone who walked to school rather than driving. Our miles have been logged! Well done EVERYONE

Year 2 Local Area Walk
We went for a walk in our local area today. We discovered that some parts were quite busy whilst other areas were very quiet. We spotted lots of facilities to help the people in our local area, such as shops, pubs, a petrol station, playing field.....

Y5/6 Football Tournament
Well done to the y5/6 children who took part in the football competition at Moorside school- the first one for over 18months! We did well reaching the semi-finals and just missing out after a tense penalty shootout. The children worked well as a team and represented the school…

Fencing Club-pupil voice
The pupils asked for a fencing club, we listened !
The children are really enjoying the club
Step Up (& Back in Time)!
This morning, Year 6 had an absolute blast (to the past!) during their 'Turns & Tunes' session with Mikey and Jenny!
We learned a traditional country dance and a range of step dances which are all part of our Lancashire heritage. We enjoyed listened to Mikey play the fiddle and watching Jenny…

Our Lancashire Heritage through music and dance.
We worked with Mikey and Jenny to learn about our Lancashire Heritage using music and dance. We danced the jig, the reel, the horn pipe, the waltz and the march. We had lots of fun.

Lancashire Country Dancing Fun
Today we have been learning to dance to traditional Lancashire music played on a fiddle.
En Garde!
Following the Fencing sessions at Lockerbie Manor, we received lots of positive feedback and interest in the sport, and so were delighted to be able to offer this as a new after-school club on Wednesdays for Years 5 and 6!
As you can see, the children had a fantastic time this evening, all the…

Intra-school Sports Y1/2
The children enjoyed competing as a team against the other house teams to gain points. We remembered to apply the ‘Values of the School Games’ within the competition.

Our First Intra Sports
We had an exciting morning running super fast with our Nursery friends and earning points for our school teams.