Sports Day with Year 6
We had a gloriously sunny day today for our Year 5 and 6 Sports Day at the field. We held a variety of races: sprints, hurdles, egg and spoon and, of course, the infamous long-distance! There was a fantastic atmosphere of excitement and competitiveness but we were most impressed by the way that…
Y1 Sports Day- drinks break
It was a hot day so we made sure we had lots of drinks and we cooled down in the shade.
Y1 Sports Day-races
We enjoyed our sports day. We had the team games and individual races. We all worked together and displayed excellent sportsmanship.
Y1 Sports Day-team games
We had 4 activities throwing for distance, throwing for accuracy, relay and dribbling. We worked well as a team scoring as many points as we could. We supported each other throughout.
Year 6 go crown green bowling
Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon of crown green bowling with Coach Dan today. We had fun learning how to hold the bowls, the best technique to use and how to ‘read’ the green. We all improved our skills by the end of the session and some of us really surprised ourselves with how accurate we could be.…