Year 6 go crown green bowling
Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon of crown green bowling with Coach Dan today. We had fun learning how to hold the bowls, the best technique to use and how to ‘read’ the green. We all improved our skills by the end of the session and some of us really surprised ourselves with how accurate we could be.…

Day 4 at Bassenfell Manor
Another great day at Bassenfell. We began the morning by thinking about the importance of looking after each other and encouraging those around us. We had lots of opportunities to demonstrate this in today’s activities. Some of us went rock climbing, where we belayed each other and encouraged…

Day 3 at Bassenfell Manor
The weather may not have been so good today, but it didn’t dampen our spirits. We have enjoyed another day of exciting activities including rock climbing, bushcraft and archery. Some of us also had our first experience of ghyll scrambling. Unfortunately we couldn’t take photos during this…

Day 2 at Bassenfell Manor
What a glorious day today! The sun shone as two groups went canoeing on Bassenthwaite Lake, whilst others practised their survival skills in the woods above the Manor (including baking some rather interesting bread over a camp fire). Some of us enjoyed crate stacking and challenging ourselves to…

Year 6 arrive at Bassenfell Manor
Year 6 have arrived safely at Bassenfell Manor, after a beautiful journey through the heart of the Lake District. We began our stay by working in our activity groups to solve a number of challenges involving water balloons. The better we did at our challenges, the more points we earned. We then…

Y6 Orienteering
Year 6 started learning about orienteering today. We began by learning to look closely at a simple plan and work as a team to follow it, as well as travelling as fast as we could - all important skills in orienteering. We will soon be moving on to using these skills to orienteering around our…

Y6 Bikeability
Year 6 were delighted to finally be able to take part in Bikeability training sessions this week. They enjoyed two days of instruction from the Go Velo team, who taught them how to make sure their bike is in good working order before teaching them how to ride safely on the roads around…

Change4life Lunchtime Club
Coach Dan has been delivering a Change4life club with different classes at Lunchtime, since Lockdown. The children have been playing games, practising their skills and keeping active throughout Lunchtime.
Play Leaders!
Today we had our final session of Play Leaders Training with Scott and Greg. We have been learning about how to teach younger children to play new games at breaktimes and lunchtimes and we cannot wait to get going now. We have learnt how to organise and manage different games and have had to…

Y2 Cricket Taster
Steve Pemberton joined us this afternoon to introduce some of the many skills of cricket. Maybe one day someone from Y2 will be the next Freddie Flintoff!

Steve came in to promote All Stars cricket clubs with the Y1,Y2 and Y3 children. They practised throwing, catching and striking and to work together as part of a team through the ‘spirit of cricket’.