Year 4 and 5 Football Morning
Year 4 and 5 girls attended a football morning at the University of Cumbria. They learnt new skills and played some matches.
Bikeability training
Year 6 have been learning how to ride their bikes safely on the roads with the help of the Go Velo Bikeability instructors. First they practised on the school playground before venturing out onto the local streets.
Year 6 Playleaders
Today we started our playleader training with Scott and Greg. We learnt how to do a warm-up session and soon, if we pass the young leader award, we will be helping to organise and run games with the infants at lunchtimes. Look out for us soon on a playground near…
Y3 Blind Trail
Here we are practising our communication skills in P.E. Excellent listening skills are also an essential part of this activity! Could you make it round our obstacle course whilst blindfolded?
Lancaster and Morecambe Sports Festival
On Friday 25th May, all of Year 6 attended the Lancaster and Morecambe Sports Festival along with over 20 other schools. There were many sports being played throughout the day and we entered a team in the orienteering, tag rugby, hockey and dodgeball competitions. Every child did brilliantly in…
Fun at the Netball!
We all had great time at the netball tournament at Moorside School today. We may not have won, but well done everyone on your great sportsmanship and attitude.
Year 3 and 4 Netball Tournament
On Tuesday 15th May, we entered three teams of Year 3 and 4 children in the inter-schools netball tournament at Moorside School. We played really enthusiastically and with a great sporting attitude. In the girls' competition we played really well and came a creditable 4th. In the boys' competition…
Change for Life festival
Year 5 had a super afternoon at the University of Cumbria, learning about healthy lifestyles and enjoying a range of sporting activities.
Bikeability Training
This week we are learning a really important life skill - cycling safely on roads. We have received great training from Matt, Matthew and James. We've also learned how to look after our bikes. The Tour de France, here we come!
Fun at the Football
On Tuesday, we sent two teams of Year 3s and 4s to an inter-schools tournament at Moorside School. Every child did their very best and had a great experience. We didn't win the tournament but could not have been beaten in enthusiasm and energy. We looked great in our brand new kits too! Well done…
This half term we will be doing gymnastics in PE. We will work on balances, jumps and rolls in order to make our own sequences. Here we are trying different balances.