27 Feb

Understanding gravity

Today, we have learnt about Sir Isaac Newton and how he invented gravity. We used the Newton meters (which were named after him) to find out the mass and weight of objects and the link between the two.

10 Feb

Water workshop

This afternoon we were visited by Louise, who came to talk to us about water. We learnt about  the water cycle, how we use water in our homes and what United Utilities do to make sure we have a constant supply of clean water to use. We also learnt how they treat our dirty water before it goes back…

7 Feb

Exploring magnets in Year 3

We have been learning about magnetism in science and today we tested the strength of different sized and different shaped magnets. We predicted which magnets would be strongest and measured their strength by counting how many objects were attracted to them.

6 Feb

Can I make a switch?

We have discussed how switches work and why electrical appliances have them, as well as looking at different types of switches. We were then given paper, tin foil, paper clips, split pins and other resources to have a go at making different types of switches.

31 Jan

Being Scientists

Today in Year 5 we have been training to be Scientists. Dr Rigby came from Lancaster University to teach us about bacteria in the digestive system. We used microscopes to look at the intestine of a mouse and found out about good and bad bacteria and why we need both of these in our gut. 
Luke and…

23 Jan

Which materials are electrical conductors?

In Science, we have been learning about electrical conductors and insulators. We carried out an experiment to work out which materials let the electricity flow through them so that the bulb lights up. By the end of the afternoon, we had worked out that metals are good electrical conductors and…

17 Jan

Making circuits

Today, we have been recapping on how to make a simple circuit with a bulb from last week. We then adapted our circuit to include a motor and then a buzzer. It was lots of fun and our classroom was very noisy! We also had to test circuits to see if they were complete or incomplete.

15 Jan

Becoming Bird Nest Builders by Year 3

Today we were joined by three expert outdoor teachers.  They set us the challenge to build a bird’s nest for a pigeon and its egg. We had to make our nest sturdy and strong, waterproof, and wind proof. We worked in groups and could use materials that we found in the outdoor area. We had to be very…

9 Jan

Learning about Electricity

Today, we have started our Science unit on ‘Electricity’. We discussed what an ‘appliance’ is and which appliances use electricity. We sorted different appliances into those that use mains powered electricity and those that use battery powered using a Venn diagram. We also looked at the different…

28 Nov

STEM electricity workshop

This morning we had a visit from Sarah, a STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) ambassador. We learnt about electricity and were able to do some exciting experiments - including making a human circuit in which we could test out some materials to find out if they were insulators or…

22 Nov

The Water Cycle

Our display in class is helping us to remember the different stages of the water cycle for when we write our explanation text.

15 Nov

Water cycle in a bag

We are learning about the water cycle so today we drew a flow chart on a food bag. We are going to put water into them and watch the different stages of the water cycle happen in the bag.