Dissolving and filtering
In Science, we have been investigating which solids dissolve in water. We learnt lots of new scientific vocabulary such as solution, soluble, insoluble and filtration. We used a funnel and filter paper to try to retrieve any solids that didn’t dissolve in water.

Year 5 Flower Dissection
In Science we have been learning about pollination and fertilisation in a flowering plant. We carefully dissected 2 different flowers to see if we could identify all the main parts of the flower.

Does gas weigh?
Today, we carried out an investigation to find out if gas weighs. We learnt about Joseph Priestley, the man who invented fizzy drinks. Fizzy drinks include a gas called carbon dioxide. In our experiment we shook different bottles of pop and slowly let the carbon dioxide out. We weighed the bottles…
Labelling body parts
Today we have been learning about our bodies. We have been labelling the different body parts using play dough models we have made.

Separating mixtures by sieving
We have been learning about the different ways to separate mixtures. Today we have been focusing on sieving. We decided which sieves and colanders to use to separate a variety of solids.

Using Easi-scopes
Today, we have been using the Easi-scopes to look closely at different solids such as sugar, salt, sawdust and coffee. The solids were magnified and we could easily see the different particles clearly. We had to try and guess what each of them were.

Introduction to solids, liquids and gases
Today, we started our topic on ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’. To begin with, we looked at lots of pictures and sorted them into groups. Then we were given a variety of solids and liquids and we investigated the properties of each, thinking of different words to describe them.

Life Education (and Harold) visit Year 3
Today Steve and Harold from Life Education came to speak to us about our body and especially our brain. We learnt what an incredible part of our body it is. We learn how we can help our brain to calm down and also how we can use our brain to solve problems. We loved meeting Harold the giraffe…

Push and pull
This week we have been investigating toys that need a push or a pull. Today we made aeroplanes. The children all decided to use very large paper. Unfortunately the wind blew all of our aeroplanes behind us!

Year 3 Visit Williamson Park
What an amazing day we have had at Williamson Park. First we visited the Butterfly House where we learnt all about different animals that thrive in a rainforest environment. It was very warm and humid! We were able to meet a tortoise, a turtle and a cockroach. As you can see from our faces we had…
Watercolour rainforest flowers
In science, Mrs Dowson has been teaching us all about plants and their lifecycles and in geography we are learning all about plants of the rainforest and how they survive. Today we drew and painted some hibiscus flowers using watercolour pencils. We really enjoyed mixing colours and seeing how…
Investigating Dorrington Woods! (Y3)
In English, we are reading the book "The Lost Words" which is full of poems about nature nouns like bluebells and conkers. Today we investigated Dorrington Woods to find some nature nouns of our own. Even on the walk there we were amazed by the way that plants and animals can thrive in really…