12 Oct

Investigating ordnance survey maps (and towels!) in Y4

Today we looked at Ordnance Survey maps.  Mrs Redmayne showed us her towel which had a picture of part of a Lake District Ordnance Survey map. We found Scafell Pike, the tallest mountain in England, on it. We also used it to find grid references for different places. We then found symbols of…

7 Oct

Reading detectives

We have been getting ready to write our information text about the Loch Ness Monster by looking at a variety of non-fiction texts. We have been detectives finding key features within them such as headings, subheadings, questions, photos, pictures and captions.

7 Oct

Singing in Year 4

We look forward to Mr Gilliatt coming into school each Friday to teach us some new songs. The actions for each song are keeping us fit and are really good fun too.

6 Oct

Do solids change state when they are heated?

Today, we have been investigating what happens to different solids when they are heated up. We used bread, ice, butter, wax, chocolate, jelly and an egg. We observed the process of each material changing state. We also discussed whether the process was reversible or not.

29 Sep

Which solids behave like liquids?

In Science, we have been investigating solids, liquids and gases. We have looked closely at all three states of matter and discussed the properties of each. Today, we used Easi-Scopes to identify different solids that behave like liquids such as sugar, coffee, salt and sand. We could clearly see…

28 Sep

Year 4 Outdoor Learning

Year 4 went to Dorrington Road woods today to complete some outdoor learning. We had a really interesting Art lesson about Cubism. We looked at some cubist pictures by famous artists then we created our own masterpieces. We had to draw a leaf using pastels and then colour it in a Cubist…

27 Sep

Year 4 English - The Loch Ness Monster

Year 4 have been writing questions. These are all the things they would like to find out about the Loch Ness Monster. During our English lessons, we will be reading lots of texts to find the answers. Next, we will use all the facts to create our own posters. 

22 Sep

Meeting Harold the Giraffe again!

Today we had a visit from a very special visitor, it was Harold the Giraffe from the Life Education Van. We learnt all about the different systems in our body as well as how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. We visited a planet called Conformatron where everybody who lives there looks the same…

6 Sep

Year 4 Rock Stars

Look at us all dressed up. We had a fantastic, noisy day.

13 Jul

Year 4 DT- purses

Year 4 have been busy sewing their purses. They had to design them, create a pattern, cut out the felt and work out how to fasten them together. Some children found the sewing really difficult but everyone persevered and all the children have a lovely finished product.

13 Jul

Year 4 DT


Year 4 have been making houses with security lights in DT. First we had to design and make a house out of a cardboard box. Next we had to have a doormat which had foil on the underside. We constructed an electrical circuit using a battery, a bulb in a holder and three wires. The end of the…

12 Jul

Year 4 French Day

Today, Year 4 had their French Day. The children dressed up as French characters or in the colours of the French flag, ate French food and completed a quiz. Outside in the playground we played boules and croquet, fortunately it wasn’t too sunny! In the afternoon we had an Eiffel Tower building…