22 Nov

The Water Cycle

Our display in class is helping us to remember the different stages of the water cycle for when we write our explanation text.

15 Nov

Water cycle in a bag

We are learning about the water cycle so today we drew a flow chart on a food bag. We are going to put water into them and watch the different stages of the water cycle happen in the bag. 

8 Nov

Invasion games in Y4

We have been practising dribbling a ball in PE today. We worked in teams to bounce on the spot and move with the ball. We will use these skills when we play some invasion games.

1 Nov

Dissolving and filtering

In Science, we have been investigating which solids dissolve in water. We learnt lots of new scientific vocabulary such as solution, soluble, insoluble and filtration. We used a funnel and filter paper to try to retrieve any solids that didn’t dissolve in water.

28 Oct

Year 4 RE

Year 4 have just finished their RE unit called Faith in Art. We have looked at works of art by a variety of artists depicting stories from the Bible. We finished the unit, by creating a whole class picture representing Mark Wiggin’s oil painting, Shepherd’s Delight. Each child created their own…

17 Oct

Does gas weigh?

Today, we carried out an investigation to find out if gas weighs. We learnt about Joseph Priestley, the man who invented fizzy drinks. Fizzy drinks include a gas called carbon dioxide. In our experiment we shook different bottles of pop and slowly let the carbon dioxide out. We weighed the bottles…

10 Oct

Separating mixtures by sieving

We have been learning about the different ways to separate mixtures. Today we have been focusing on sieving. We decided which sieves and colanders to use to separate a variety of solids.

4 Oct

Rounding numbers

In Maths this week we have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We first worked out which tens/hundreds numbers our chosen number sat between on a number line and then looked at the correct column to round the number.

We used this rounding rhyme to help us:

‘Five to…

27 Sep

Looking at key features in a magazine

In preparation for writing our information page about the Loch Ness Monster, we have been looking at magazine pages and identifying key features that they include. We located the heading, subheadings, technical vocabulary, photos, captions, any questions and key facts we could find.

26 Sep

Using Easi-scopes

Today, we have been using the Easi-scopes to look closely at different solids such as sugar, salt, sawdust and coffee. The solids were magnified and we could easily see the different particles clearly. We had to try and guess what each of them were.

20 Sep

Introduction to solids, liquids and gases

Today, we started our topic on ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’. To begin with, we looked at lots of pictures and sorted them into groups. Then we were given a variety of solids and liquids and we investigated the properties of each, thinking of different words to describe them.

6 Sep

Rock Kidz

We had a great day dressing up as rock stars when Rock Kidz came into school and loved the singing and dancing. We revisited the very important message of being kind to everyone.