The Mayor’s Ceremony
Today, Y4 walked to the Ashton Hall in Lancaster to see the new Mayor, Abi Mills, being elected. It was a privilege to be invited and we were asked to sing during the ceremony too. We sang beautifully and were given lots of compliments by the people there.
Partitioning decimals
Year 4 have been flexibly partitioning decimals. We have been doing this in a very practical way using place value counters. We had to come up with 5 different ways to partition each decimal.
Decimal decision game
We have played a decimal decision game today. We used our knowledge of place value when using decimals to decide where to put our chosen digit to make the largest number, smallest number or have an odd/even number in the tenths/hundredths column.
Y4 Crown Green Bowling
It’s been a hot afternoon practising our crown green bowling skills today. Coach Dan taught us how to hold the bowl and how to use the weight to make our bowl travel in the right direction. We certainly improved as the afternoon went on.
Tenths on a number line
Today, we have been learning about tenths on a number line in maths. Rulers show this really well. We have used rulers to measure lines and write the lengths in decimals. Each millimetre is a tenth of a centimetre. We drew pictures with our rulers using lengths written in decimals.
Tasting Greek food
This afternoon, we had the opportunity to taste some Greek food. Even if we had never tried it before, some of us were brave enough to have a go….and actually quite liked it! We were very proud of ourselves for trying (and so was Mrs Mayor). We tasted Greek yoghurt, feta cheese, pitta bread,…
Greek Workshop
What a fun morning we have had today! We had a visit from Professor Tuesday who taught us all about the different periods of history in Ancient Greece. We made a human timeline and acted out each period. We also learnt about the different city-states and how they were ruled. We were then given a…
Year 4 Art
Year 4 have started a new Art topic comparing two artists, Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Karla Gerard. We have learnt about their two different styles of work. We have practised our drawing skills creating houses and have learnt how to draw them as though they are 3D.
Year 3&4 Intrasports (Y4)
In Year 3 and 4 we celebrated the end of term with a great afternoon of intra-sports between the different coloured teams. We played a version cricket (having been inspired by Coach Lauren earlier on this term) and there were many super catches, impressive hitting and great bowling from Mrs…
Y3/4 Spirituality morning
This morning in Y3 & 4 we explored the theme of “treasures. At the beginning we came up with lots of ideas linked to treasure like gold, jewels and pirates! We then did three different activities to explore the treasures we have in our lives. We thought about different places that are special to…
Investigating water and air resistance
What a lot of investigating we have been doing in science this week! Our experiments were linked to water and air resistance. We made different shapes out of play dough and dropped them in water to see which travelled faster. The sausage shape created less water resistance and was the fastest…
Year 4 Artwork
Year 4 have been studying the work of the Spanish artist and architect Antoni Gaudi. We have looked at examples of his work from Barcelona and have completed line drawings in his fluid style. Gaudi works in a trencardis style where he uses broken ceramic tiles to make his sculptures. We have made…