In science we are learning about living things and their habitats. Last week we learnt about the characteristics of all living organisms by meeting ‘MRS GREN’ (Movement, Respiration, Sensing, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition). We also made our own sorting diagrams using categories such as ‘amphibians’, ‘vertebrates’ and ‘can fly’.
This week we investigated the area around our school playground to find which organisms lived in the woodland habitat. We made sure that we treated them carefully and with respect and we made sure that we returned then to the same micro-climate that we found them in. We found many different animals including spiders, ants, wood lice, ladybird larvae, millipedes and worms. It was amazing how many living things exist just in our playground and yet, most of the time, we hardly notice them! They were all invertebrates (without a backbone) but some had exoskeletons.
Next week we are going to look at the plant life in our wooded area. We will also use our findings to try to classify some of the organisms we have found.