26 Feb

Measuring in metres

This week, we have been using rulers to measure. We have centimetre rulers and metre rulers. Here we are finding objects taller/longer or shorter than a metre. We have also measured the school hall and found out that it’s 15m long!

7 Feb

Year 3 are getting good at counting in 8s!

This week we have been practising counting in 8s and have really enjoyed the 8x table song.

24 Jan

Making rectilinear shapes

Today, we were set the challenge of creating different rectilinear shapes using 12 matchsticks. We had to make different shapes and then work out the perimeter of each shape.

10 Jan

Investigating and Making Arrays in Year 3 (2024)

We have been investigating arrays in our new maths topic of multiplication and division.  We wrote x facts to go with the arrays and some of us also showed the link between multiplication and repeated addition. We were very creative in choosing which objects we used to make our…

13 Dec

3D shape sorting

Today we have been sorting our 3D shapes. 

5 Dec

Enterprise Week

Year 6 have been working hard all week, planning and making a range of products to sell at the Christmas Market on Friday. They have used many skills throughout the week and taken on roles including project manager, accountant, advertiser, quality controller and resources manager. Come along to…

8 Nov

Division with remainders challenge

This week Year 6 have been introduced to the method of long division. Now we have learned how to solve a long division calculation, we have moved on to thinking about what our answers actually mean, especially if there is a remainder in our answer. For example, if there are 165 people invited to a…

4 Oct

Rounding numbers

In Maths this week we have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We first worked out which tens/hundreds numbers our chosen number sat between on a number line and then looked at the correct column to round the number.

We used this rounding rhyme to help us:

‘Five to…

25 Sep

Estimating numbers on a numberline

This morning, we were estimating where numbers went on a blank number line to 100.

23 Sep

Making 100 (How many ways?!)

We have been busy learning about ones, tens and hundreds. Today we made 100 using as many different ways as possible. We had to show that 100 was 10 groups of 10. Look how creative we were in the pictures below! Next we’re looking at 1,000… 

2 Jul

Year 3- Ordering times

We had fun getting into time order. Some of us had am times and others pm. We found it wasn’t as easy as we first thought. 

19 Jun

Y1 Capacity

We enjoyed exploring about capacity in Y1. We predicted how many cups it takes to fill different containers.