Passover 2025
Today year 6 re-enacted a Seder meal to help us remember the significance of this important festival to Jews today. We tried the symbolic food and drink and found some were far more appetising than others! We also set a place for Elijah and opened the door to welcome him in. We enjoyed looking for…

Year 4 RE
Year 4 have been writing their own prayers. Some were about praising God, some were thanking Him and others were saying sorry. We thought about God’s beautiful world and how we should take care of it. We have tied them to the fence so lots of children can read them.

Children’s Worship Conference
Today, Miss Huddleston took two members of our Worship Team to Clitheroe to the Blackburn Diocesan Children’s Worship Conference. The focus was “Giants of Faith”. We considered famous giants of faith, then thought about how we can be giants of faith ourselves, standing up for justice, praying…

Year 4 RE
Year 4 have just finished their RE unit called Faith in Art. We have looked at works of art by a variety of artists depicting stories from the Bible. We finished the unit, by creating a whole class picture representing Mark Wiggin’s oil painting, Shepherd’s Delight. Each child created their own…

Year 1 explore the Jewish Festival of Sukkot
Today, Year 1 heard about the Jewish harvest festival. This is called Sukkot. Jews build and decorate a sukkah, which means hut and spend as much time as possible in there. They eat, pray and even sleep in the shelter to remember when Moses led the Jews through the wilderness. They give thanks to…

Year 2 Tabernacle
Today we looked at the story of Moses and the Tabernacle. We wrote some prayers and sat quietly sat in our own Tabernacle.
Y3/4 Spirituality morning
This morning in Y3 & 4 we explored the theme of “treasures. At the beginning we came up with lots of ideas linked to treasure like gold, jewels and pirates! We then did three different activities to explore the treasures we have in our lives. We thought about different places that are special to…

Year 3&4 Spirituality Morning
This morning in Y3 & 4 we explored the theme of “treasures. At the beginning we came up with lots of ideas linked to treasure like gold, jewels and pirates! We then did three different activities to explore the treasures we have in our lives. We thought about different places that are special to…

Year 5 and 6 Spirituality Morning
Year 6 joined Year 5 this morning for our Spirituality Morning, where we spent time thinking about the symbol of the cross as represented in different countries around the world. We looked at the Jerusalem cross, depicting four small crosses around a main cross. We learnt that this can represent…

A very big thank you to Mr Weston and Mr Brown for joining us in R.E. today. They came to talk to us about how Christians believe that Easter is a celebration of Victory. They even attempted to create new life. They were of course unsuccessful but it was a great way to reinforce that only God…
Y6 Explore Eucharist
This afternoon Y6 braved the rain to meet Rev. Rebecca at church. She gave us a very warm welcome and took us through the Eucharist order of service. She explained how and why Christians celebrate Eucharist and the significance of all the items involved. This has helped us to see more links…
Passover 2024
In R.E. Y6 have been learning about how God used Moses to lead the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt. Just as Jesus did, Jews today still remember this significant event in their history, through the festival of Passover. Today we had fun re-creating a Passover Seder and were able to…