15 Nov

Year 4 Prayers

In their RE lesson, Year 4 went outside to appreciate God’s wonderful world. We thought about what we were grateful and thankful for. Next, we wrote some prayers to God. Once they were laminated, we hung them on the railings for other children to share.

19 Sep

NISCU visit Y6

Debbie and Abbie came to teach us about the life journey of St.Paul, who our school is named after. We found out how meeting God changed the direction of his life completely. We saw how his life journey contained trials, persecution and triumphs and looked at how he was able to overcome these with…

22 Mar

Getting ready for Easter

We are waiting for Easter. We are making links between new life, spring and our animal topic.

31 Jan

Passover 2023

Today Year 6 re-enacted a Passover meal. As we tried each of the symbolic foods we recalled the story of the Exodus. We tried to imagine what a Jewish family might be feeling and the significance it holds for them. You can probably tell by the photos who tried the bitter herbs; which remind Jewish…

13 Dec

Hanukkah in Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about the Jewish festival of light, Hanukkah. During these celebrations, Jewish children often play a game using sweets and a spinner called a dreidel. This morning we have played this game using counters instead of sweets with winners moving up a table. It was a really…

29 Nov

Richard and Ruth Return

This week we enjoyed welcoming back Ruth and Richard who are leading us on our 'Walk through the Bible'. Ruth has recently been on a trip to the Holy Land. She was able to share some photos with us from her trip to the land where Jesus lived, taught and died. This links nicely with our recent work…

22 Nov

Bible Explorers return,

Ruth and Sutty from Bible Explorers returned today to tell us more stories from the Old Testament. We practised the symbols from last time and heard about the stories of Moses and Joseph. We found them really exciting…


21 Nov

Year 4 Prayer Tree

Last week, in our RE lesson Year 4 wrote some prayers. We had all put a named heart or star on our prayer tree and we switched off the lights so we could see the lights on the tree and our lighted candle. We wrote prayers, praising God for our wonderful world, thanking God for our fabulous friends…

2 Nov

Year 4 RE

Year 4 have combined their love of Art with this new RE topic. We have looked at how artists represent their faith in their paintings. We have read verses from the Bible which have inspired the artists.

4 Oct

Open Doors

We played a game created by the Charity Open Doors. They help Christians round the world who have suffered persecution. We discovered that for many people choosing to journey through life as a Christian is an extremely difficult option. We also found out that Christians around the world have so…

7 Jul

Finding out about prayer

Today we had a look in the prayer “chatterbox.” The children know that I invite them to talk to God when we are praying. Inside the box were prayer books, a candle and prayer beads. The children handled each object carefully.

7 Jun

Archbishop of York conference

On Friday, 27th May, the RE and Worship ambassadors went to Lancaster University to listen to a discussion on racial equality and the church led by Anderson Jeremiah and Stephen Cottrell (Archbishop of York). The children listened to a short talk and then could ask questions. It was a really…