Year 4 RE
Year 4 have been looking at the concepts of trust and betrayal linked to the Easter story. As an introduction to this topic we played some trust games in the playground.

The start of Lent
What better way to start lent than with a pancake.new had a look in the shopping bag to see what ingredients we will need. We talked about where each came from and already knew that eggs came from hens and milk from cows. We were a bit unsure about where flour came from. We sang our rhyme, “Mix a…

The lost sheep.
We have been looking everywhere for those pesky lost sheep. We listened to the story Jesus told and then went to find all of the sheep hiding around Nursery. Come in at the end of the day and see how many you and your child can spot.

Y6 learn about Passover
Year 6 have been learning all about the Jewish festival of Passover this half term. They learnt how the festival is celebrated every year by Jews all over the world, to make sure they remember the time when God used Moses to rescue and free his people from slavery in Egypt. After many plagues, the…

Year 4 RE
Year 4 have been learning about the festival of Hanukkah. We have drawn menorah candlesticks and have played the Dreidel game.

Year 4 NISCU visit
Yesterday afternoon Diana from NISCU came to give us an RE lesson based on Jesus the light of the World. We found Bible quotes, discussed how Jesus could show us the light and made paper lanterns.

Y2 Books of the Bible
Our good friend, Debbie Green, came into class today to teach us all about the books of the bible. It was lovely to see her again and we learnt a lot!

Harvest worship on zoom
So everyone in school could join together with Rev. Rebecca to celebrate harvest, we “zoomed” this afternoon. Each class was challenged to make smaller words from the letters of HARVEST. Amongst the words we found were HAVE, EAT and SHARE. Rev. Rebecca reminded us that all we have comes from God’s…
NISCU Visits Year 6!
Year 6 had an excellent afternoon when Diana from NISCU visited us for our RE lesson! During the lesson, she told us all about the many adventures of Paul and how God guided him through his journey of life. Take a look at our photo slideshow to see us in action, acting out the story of Paul to…
NISCU Big Bible Lesson Year 5
Today Debbie from NISCU came to teach us about the Bible using her very own Big Bible! It was full of things to help us understand why the Bible is so important to Christians. We thought about lots of different stories and characters in the Bible (well done Henry and Reuben who thought of some…

Today we have looked in our Harvest chatterbox . We found a tractor and lots of different vegetables and fruit. We talked about some of the fruit being picked in hot countries. We found out that our bananas came from Costa Rica.

NISCU visit to Year 6
We have all been enjoying the weekly NISCU “disassembles” in our class worship times. Today Year 6 enjoyed an actual, rather than virtual, visit from Debbie and Johnny. They looked at the story of Joseph and the many changes and challenges he faced in his life, before thinking about changes in our…