Daniel in the Lions' Den
In RE today we learned about the story of Daniel in the Lions' den. We had great fun acting out the story afterwards.

Year 1 learning about Baptism
Miss Siddle came in and talked us through a church Baptism. We discussed why the vicar puts a sign of the cross on the baby’s head.
Y6 welcome Rev. Claire
Today we welcomed Rev. Claire Cook into school for the first time. She has come to work alongside Rev. Rebecca at St. Paul's. She came in on Ascension Day to talk to us about the Holy Spirit. We looked at how the Holy Spirit came to the disciples at Pentecost and the influence that the Holy Spirit…

Look at us!
We have taken turns to dress up as our favourite character from the Nativity story.

The Christmas story
We have heard lots of versions of the traditional Nativity. Our favourite part of the story is mean King Herod. We are all happy that Jesus escaped with Mary and Joseph to Egypt.
Learning about the Eucharist with Rev. Rebecca
Year 6 have been learning about the story of the Passover in the Old Testament and why it is such an important festival in the Jewish Faith. This week, they visited church, where Rev. Rebecca explained what happens in the Eucharist and how this is closely related to the events of the Passover.…

Planting seeds
In RE we have been looking at stories Jesus told, called Parables. This is the Parable of the Sower. The children re-told the story and they planted a sunflower seed each.
Re-enacting the Seder Meal
In RE we have been learning about the Jewish Passover, which celebrates the freedom of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Today we recapped the story and re-enacted the traditional Seder meal. We learnt about the significance and symbolism of the different food items that are…
Bible Explorer Lessons in Year 6
Over the last 5 weeks, we have been going through the New Testament stories and themes with James Bovinizer from Bible Explorers. We have learnt about every book in the New Testament and learnt some key actions to go with the main ideas. This now means we have covered the entire Bible as we learnt…
Hebrew and Greek lessons
Mr Weston came in this afternoon to explain why different parts of the Bible were originally written in Hebrew and Greek. He showed us how to write our names in both Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew was especially difficult as it is written from right to left and doesn't use familiar letters. He also…
Ascension and Pentecost
On Thursday we learnt about Ascension and Pentecost by acting out the events with Mrs Ventress.
Nursery enjoy Shrove Tuesday!
Today we talked about it being a special day and looked inside Mrs Atkinson's shopping bag. She had flour, eggs, milk and fruit. We chatted about how we are getting ready for Easter and learnt a new pancake song,
Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake,
Pop it in a pan.
Fry the pancake,