20 Sep

Life Education-Our Wonderful Bodies

We loved meeting Harold the giraffe today! He was telling us all about our wonderful bodies and how to keep healthy. 

14 Sep

Year 2 investigate their senses

Today in Year 2 we have been using our senses and talking about the body parts linked to each sense. We tasted different foods, tried to guess what was in each smell pot, listened to some sounds and tried to identify them and built Lego towers while blindfolded. 

7 Sep

Marvellous Microorganisms!

Today in Science, we kicked off the year with a short unit (some might say ‘micro-unit’) where we learn all about those tiny living organisms that can be found absolutely anywhere and everywhere- microorganisms!

We started off the lesson by learning the different types, names, shapes and sizes…

15 Jul

Williamson Park trip

Today, we walked to Williamson Park! It took about an hour but we had a great time when we got there. We went into the Butterfly House and explores the zoo afterwards. We had our lunch on the steps of Ashton Memorial and a play on the playgrounds. We then did some map reading and orienteering in…

7 Jul

Identifying living things using classification keys

Today, we have been identifying different living creatures. We have thought of lots of questions to separate each living thing and used them in our own classification key.

1 Jul

Year 5 investigate pulse rate

Today in Science we have been learning how to find and count our pulse rate in 4 different places on our body. 
We then went outside to investigate how our pulse rate changes during and straight after exercising. 

20 Jun

Chemical Reactions

Year 6 have been learning about how chemical changes are irreversible, as a new material is created. The materials in their original forms are known as reactants, yet when the chemical change occurs, these reactants work together to form a product!

Year 6 loved exploring how milk and vinegar…

17 Jun

Research scientists visit Year 6

Today, Dr Rigby and three of her colleagues from Lancaster University came to teach us about their jobs as research scientists. She explained how she had become a scientist and the work she does as an immunologist, learning how viruses work and how to develop vaccines. She helped us understand how…

17 Jun

Year 5 immunology

Today Dr Rigby visited us from Lancaster University. She taught us all about the flu virus and how vaccinations protect our bodies. She brought some very cute cuddly viruses which we all loved ( what a shame the real things are not as cute). 
We also put on lab coats, plastic gloves and safety…

16 Jun

Centipedes, and woodlice, and leeches, oh my!

Year 4 have started their new Science unit all about living organisms and their habitats! Today, we have learned about the famous Mrs Gren who helps us remember the 7 life processes that all living things must do to stay alive. We then sorted a wide range of organisms into various groups and…

26 May

The Human Digestive System in action

This morning in Year 5 we have recreated the journey of our breakfast through the digestive system. It was messy but fun for most of us. A few of us were a little squeamish and by the time we reached the end we couldn’t even look. 


16 May

Goodbye to our butterflies!

The big day had finally arrived! After weeks of watching our caterpillars grow larger, build their cocoons and finally metamorphose into beautiful and amazing butterflies, it was time to set them free. To be honest, they weren’t in a great hurry to leave but by the end of the day all had flown…