13 May

Investigating Features of Plants and Trees

Today, we enjoyed spotting the features of a plant or tree.  We discussed the stem, leaves, root and flowers. We explored what they looked like on plants in our garden. 
We also discussed features of a tree e.g. trunk, branch, crown, flowers and roots. We visited the Horse-Chestnut tree and we…

13 May

Pollination in Year 3

Today in Science in Year 3 we have been learning about how insects help to pollinate flowers and create seeds and new plants. 
Using paint or cheesy wotsits as pollen we were bees, moving from flower to flower. Our sticky fingers left a trail showing us the movement of the pollen grains.

13 May

Meet the newest members of Year 5

Our caterpillars have reached the end of their long journey and are just beginning to emerge from their chrysalides as fully formed butterflies. This example of complete metamorphosis has been thrilling to watch. It would have been amazing to actually see this huge change inside the chrysalis but…

12 May

Which liquid will damage our teeth the most?

Did you know that an egg shell has a similar make up to the enamel on our teeth? We have set up an investigation using eggs to see which liquid will damage the shell the most. Each group could choose which liquid they put their eggs into such as coke, orange juice, water, vinegar, tea or coffee.…

5 May

Y2 Observing Plants

A few more of us drawing a tree.

5 May

Y2 Observing Plants

Here we are drawing a tree.  We thought about how we know what the tree is and decided the leaves give us the best clue.

29 Apr

Garden time 29-04

A big thank you to the Gardening Club particularly Mr Long, Mrs Nemeth and Mr Mellor for planting potatoes with the class. We are looking forward to watching the plants grow and then digging up the buried treasure later in the summer term.

22 Apr

Cedric the skeleton

This week, we had a new member join our class called Cedric. We have been discussing why we need a skeleton and have been looking closely at the bones that make up Cedric’s skeleton and have been naming them. A adult human skeleton has 206 bones, we didn’t manage to name them all! Let’s see how…

22 Apr


We had a visitor in Nursery today to help us learn about life cycles. Mrs Atkinson brought Shirley the hen who was so pleased to meet us she laid an egg. We hope she will sit on it so that we can meet her baby chick. We ordered the life cycle of a hen and found out that boy hens called “cockerels”…

22 Apr

Garden Time 22-04-22

Today we have been investigating different textures in our garden. We did rubbings and showed them to our friends to see if they could guess what the original object was.


21 Apr

The Water Cycle in a bag

The window in our classroom is decorated with food bags! We have drawn the water cycle on the bags and are looking at them daily to see the different processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation happening. 

20 Apr

Identifying trees/plants in the school garden

We followed the map to identify the different plants we have growing in our beautiful school garden. 
We found a Mint plant, Rosemary, Hyacinth and a blossom tree to name just a few.