10 Oct

Air resistance and gravity aren’t as tough as they think they are… we’ll let them down slowly!

Year 6 learned lots about air resistance and gravity today, as they investigated how the size of a parachute affects the speed in which a basket descends from a height!

We dropped each basket (one without a parachute, one with a small parachute, and one with a large parachute) from the same…

6 Oct

Do solids change state when they are heated?

Today, we have been investigating what happens to different solids when they are heated up. We used bread, ice, butter, wax, chocolate, jelly and an egg. We observed the process of each material changing state. We also discussed whether the process was reversible or not.

29 Sep

Which solids behave like liquids?

In Science, we have been investigating solids, liquids and gases. We have looked closely at all three states of matter and discussed the properties of each. Today, we used Easi-Scopes to identify different solids that behave like liquids such as sugar, coffee, salt and sand. We could clearly see…

28 Sep

Sense of hearing-listening walk

We looked at using the sense of hearing to listen to sounds all around us.

28 Sep

Y1 Outdoor Learning

We enjoyed going to Dorrington Woods and using our senses to look at different habitats. We even made some of our own minibeast habitats ! 


28 Sep

Year 6's Outdoor Learning with the Wildlife Trust

Year 6 had a lovely time in the woods this afternoon, working with Kate from the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire. She showed us how to use field guides to identify plants and trees in the woods. We learnt to identify a variety of trees including sycamores, oaks, rowans, and beech, as well as ivy…

28 Sep

Exploring nature in the woods.

We had a great time exploring in Dorrington Wood today. We used our senses to listen, look, feel and smell. We also collected leaves, seeds and something that felt rough. 

28 Sep

Year 5 Science Outdoor Learning

Today we went into Dorrington Woods to use natural materials to create a floating raft that would carry pennies without sinking. 
We talked about what might float or sink and why first. Then working in small groups we collected natural materials and built a raft. The only thing Kate gave us was…

23 Sep

Autumn Walk Y1

We enjoyed looking for signs of autumn in our school garden this week. We found lots of items for our ‘Investigation Area’. We looked at the objects closely and drew the detail closely. 
We looked at the school horse-chestnut tree to see what changes we could see. We will look at it throughout…

23 Sep

Look who we met!

Today we met Harold the giraffe. He told us that food would give us energy. He talked about how important sleep was to help our bodies grow and repair themselves.

22 Sep

Meeting Harold the Giraffe again!

Today we had a visit from a very special visitor, it was Harold the Giraffe from the Life Education Van. We learnt all about the different systems in our body as well as how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. We visited a planet called Conformatron where everybody who lives there looks the same…

21 Sep

Visit from Life Education

We really enjoyed learning about what our bodies needed to stay healthy when Katy from the Life Education paid us a visit on Wednesday this week.