18 Nov

Day and Night

Today in Science we have been finding out about day and night and how they occur. In pairs one of us was the Sun and the other the Earth. As Earth spun on its own axis we watched the Sun appear and day begin. England was warmed and lit by the Sun all day before night fell and it grew darker and…

11 Nov

Where is the best place to dry our washing?

We have been learning about evaporation. We wet different materials and hung them around the school to find out which location would dry them quicker. We had to weigh them before we hung them out and then again after to see how much water had evaporated from them. The materials that were put on…

5 Nov

Year 3 Science - Exploring what soil is made of

This afternoon, Year 3 were finding out what was in soil. We filled a bottle with a soil sample and water and shook it. We then made observations of what we could see. We will check again next week to see if it has changed.


4 Nov

Filtering experiment

In Y4, we have been carrying out an investigation to see what happens to different solids when they are mixed with water. We used salt, sugar, coffee, rice and baking powder. Some solids dissolved and made a ‘solution’. We tried to recover the original solid by filtering them. We had lots of fun…

20 Oct

Nature all around

Ladybirds are looking for somewhere warm to spend the winter.

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Year 1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

19 Oct

Y1 Fruit Salad DT

We designed our fruit salads after discussing which healthy foods we should eat and why. We enjoyed chopping up our chosen fruits and trying fruits that we had never tried before! After tasting our fruit salad, using one of the five sense, we evaluated it. Some children had never tried plum…

13 Oct

Smelling Experiment

Continuing to explore our senses, today we investigated our sense of smell. We predicted what we thought the smell was and then we revealed the actual. It was good fun predicting ! 

13 Oct

Brushing our teeth as part of our All About Me topic.

We had fun watching the Tooth Defenders and learning how important it is to brush our teeth. Then we practiced brushing our teeth making sure we remembered every part of our mouths. 

12 Oct

Sorting Objects

We had lots of fun collecting different objects we found around the school grounds. We then sorted them in lots of different ways.