Year 4 Roman Day - Investigating Boudicca
Today Year 4 was invaded by the Romans! We had Roman legionaries, centurions, governors and even Emperors! Not only that, but we were honoured to be visited by some Roman gods such as Poseidon.
We learnt more about the Celts and their rebellion under Boudicca. She was a very brave and…
Making switches
Today, we have been investigating how switches work and why they are so important. We had a go at making our own switches using the knowledge from last week that metals are conductors of electricity.
Dear Celtic Leader... Our Reports About the Roman Army
In history we have been learning about the Roman invasion and the strength of their army. Today we wrote reports as if we were Celtic spies giving evidence about the strength of the Roman army. We had lots of information to pass on and didn't think our Celtic army had much chance against the…
Conductors and Insulators
We have been learning lots of new vocabulary linked to our topic on ‘Electricity’. Today, we investigated which materials are electrical conductors and which are insulators. We found out that metals are conductors.
Spying on the Romans!
In Year 4 we have been learning about the Roman invasion of Britain in 43AD. We worked in groups of “Celts” to “spy”on the Roman army and report back to our fellow Celts. We looked at their armour and also the way they trained and practised battle manoeuvres. They looked pretty…
Year 4- Chinese New Year
Year 4 have been using their Art and DT skills to make Chinese dragons ready to celebrate 2022 The Year of the Tiger.
Complete and incomplete circuits
Today, we have been testing different circuits to see if they would work. We predicted the outcome first before we tested them.
Factor Bugs
In Year 4, we are working hard to learn our times tables. Using our knowledge of the tables we have learnt, we have been making our own Factor Bugs.
How is static electricity created?
Today, we have been finding out how static electricity is created. Using balloons, we have made our hair stand on end! We have also created enough static electricity to be able to lift pieces of paper and stick our balloon to the wall.
Introduction to Electricity
Today, we have started to learn about electricity. We looked at the components that make up a simple circuit and used them to light up a bulb. We have also discussed and recorded in a Venn diagram which appliances use mains electricity and which use batteries.
Y4 European Country Research
In geography have been learning about the physical and human features of different countries. In pairs we chose a country and researched it using books and the internet. We had to show the flag of each country as well. We presented our information for a display.
Ice pop insulation investigation
Today, we have been learning about thermal insulation. We have carried out an investigation to find out which materials keep ice pops frozen for the longest time. We chose three different materials and kept one of our ice pops unwrapped as the ‘control’. We found out that bubble wrap was a great…