Blast off !
This week we have been learning all about Bonfire night. We made firework display pictures and made our own rockets which we flew into the sky.

A walk around Scotforth
This morning, we went for a walk around Scotforth to help us with our English and geography work over the next couple of weeks.
Dissolving and filtering
In Science, we have been investigating which solids dissolve in water. We learnt lots of new scientific vocabulary such as solution, soluble, insoluble and filtration. We used a funnel and filter paper to try to retrieve any solids that didn’t dissolve in water.

Favourite sandwich choices in Year 3
Our new DT topic is all about sandwiches! We are going to be designing and making our own sandwiches but today we were finding out about the history of the sandwich and also surveying which sandwiches we enjoy as a class.

Introducing badminton to Year 6
This morning, Year 6 had their first taste of badminton. We learnt how to hold the racket, the ready position and then attempted to hit the shuttlecock and return it to our partners! We worked really well together in pairs.

Atlas Experts in Y3
We are learning all about the continents and oceans of the world, and starting to recognise some of the countries in each continent. Today we looked at some countries on the Equator, on the Arctic Circle and on the Antarctic Circle. We used atlases and found out that there are NO countries on the…

Year 4 RE
Year 4 have just finished their RE unit called Faith in Art. We have looked at works of art by a variety of artists depicting stories from the Bible. We finished the unit, by creating a whole class picture representing Mark Wiggin’s oil painting, Shepherd’s Delight. Each child created their own…

Great Fire of London fact files and artwork
We had an incredibly busy day today as we were finishing our Great Fire of London fact files for display and creating 3D pictures of famous building that were destroyed during the Great Fire.

Decorating biscuits with our buddies
We visited our buddies and had lots of fun decorating biscuits together.

Year 5 Flower Dissection
In Science we have been learning about pollination and fertilisation in a flowering plant. We carefully dissected 2 different flowers to see if we could identify all the main parts of the flower.

Football Fun
Today it was the boys’ turn to go along to Lancaster and Morecambe College for their tournament. There were 25 schools represented and our team of Y6 boys worked really well as a team. They won two games in their pool, drew one and lost one, narrowly missing out on a place in the quarter finals.

Does gas weigh?
Today, we carried out an investigation to find out if gas weighs. We learnt about Joseph Priestley, the man who invented fizzy drinks. Fizzy drinks include a gas called carbon dioxide. In our experiment we shook different bottles of pop and slowly let the carbon dioxide out. We weighed the bottles…